Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What is it now... darling?

Let me just start off by saying that without the generous support of my husband, it would be really difficult, if not near impossible, for me to run.  He is always willing to watch the little darlings so I can fit in a workout.

Yesterday I took a day of stretching and strength training... at home.  I now know why a gym membership could be so useful.  It is not for the faint of heart to try and hold a stretch and work on the BOSU ball for balance while one little one is crying to be held,  and the other asking "MOM!  Can you get me this?"  or "Mom, can I do that?"  My entire workout was spent saying "Go ask your father."  "Where is your dad?"  "Ask dada to take you outside to play..."  Not that he wasn't watching them.  He was.  They are just quick and into everything in a matter of moments.  It was not a good workout.

I did, however complete my PT exercises for "runner's knee".

If the day had any stresses to it, the night felt horrible.  Poor Bug-a-boo was up and down with the various ailments a 3 year old can have. (Nightmares and bed wetting are high on that list...)  Each episode woke up the baby.  Squeakers was inconsolable to be woken up so rudely, so a long night began with cycles of the children disrupting each others' sleep.  And mine.

The perfect excuse to want to sleep in and blow off my morning run.  Right?  No.  I can't do it.  I can't get in that habit.  It's a slippery slope for me, and since I don't really get that "runner's high" or the solace that "running makes me sane", I have to work hard at wanting to keep up with it.  It might not be my zen, but it must keep me sane to get to sneak away from the little darlings and focus on something that is just for me.

So, I woke up earlier than I'd have liked and got out there and pounded the pavement.  And it was beautiful.  It was!  So many runners are dealing with ice and fresh snow this morning, and I had clear blue skies and rocked my new running skirt this morning.  Now... If only I'd stop putting off today's PT exercises.  Stupid hip bursitis and runner's knee.


  1. Oh, how I can relate to kids making it difficult to get out and run. Glad you made it out yesterday.

    1. Thanks Laura! It's funny what excuses pop to my mind to try and avoid a run sometimes... but once I get out there, I can't figure out why I was avoiding it? It must be residual attitudes from jr. high and high school P.E. classes? *shudder*

  2. Yes, the gym is a VERY nice escape sometimes. Hip Bursitis.....hmmm...you have me wondering. I have a mean something going on with my hip....going to get checked on Friday. Loved the post Robin! - Julie LoGreco aka mama bird:)

    1. I hope your appointment goes well Julie! You probably already know this, but if your Dr. isn't a runner or understanding of your goals to run, ask them which colleges in the office you could see who do run and know runners. Or ask for a "sports medicine" or physical therapy appointment. Bottom line: There are very few circumstances that should make a person give up an activity forever. When injured, it is vital to take some time to heal, but don't let them tell you that you "can't" do it. GOOD LUCK!


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