Do you have a friend who is always getting you into "trouble"?
It all started a couple weeks ago, when I met up with some friends and wandered off to a local race expo. It was a chance to see lots of great races at great prices and a chance to chat with some of the race directors to learn more about their events. Many of the races I had not yet heard of...
One such race was "The Inferno". Mariah was instantly up to the challenge and before I knew it... I'm somehow signed up too. What the heck am I thinking?
The Inferno is an obstacle race that includes a distance swim within the course. Race distances (after the swim) cover 13.1 miles and 25+ obstacles or a "smaller" 6 mile race with 15+ obstacles. Don't be fooled that the shorter race distance will mean you are getting "off lightly". This looks like an incredibly challenging event.
Can't swim? Need to skip an obstacle?
Not to worry. Safety is a priority. In fact, if you come upon an obstacle that you can't safely complete, it's the recommendation of The Inferno that you skip the obstacle. (But, to be eligible for any post-race awards, you must complete all obstacles.) After accomplishing what you can (whether you were successful or not at every obstacle)... get yourself across the finish line and you can still qualify to receive a finishers medal. And what is more amazing than after conquering challenges greater than those you've seen before, than to celebrate post race with a totally rad medal that will always remind you of your "beast mode"? You can check out the beast of a medal on the webpage's slide show HERE.
I'm a flabby house wife and my weight training involves lifting kids in and out of shopping carts.
Do I have what it takes?
From the website:
The Inferno events are designed to test all round fitness and push you to your limits both physically and mentally. Long story short, you will NOT be able to roll off the couch and complete The Inferno. So do yourself a favor, Get Off Your Lazy Ass and train beforehand. There isn’t one workout that you can do that we can guarantee to get you 100% ready for the hell that will inevitably rain down on you during The Inferno; but some combination of Crossfit, Insanity, P90X, Asylum, Running and Weight Training will get you close enough to where you need to be!
One thing is for sure, my sole sisters get me into trouble... and by "trouble" I mean they challenge me to be better and do greater things that I might not have had the courage to try to accomplish with out them giving me that shove.
I won't likely learn how to swim in time for this event, but I had better figure out a training program! Anyone want to volunteer to carry me across the monkey bars on their shoulders? I'm really not joking.
Come help me across those big obstacles or give me a cheer as you pass me by at this race! Want to go? I've been offered a race discount for 10% off: MOMS10
Have you ever done an obstacle race? Have any tips or pointers for training? Let me know what you think of this bad boy... Let's hope I'm not crying, crawling across the finish line (in pieces).